WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Report With Report Assistant > Defining Field Characteristics

Defining Field Characteristics

In this section:

How to:

To choose field options, select the field in the Sort across, Sort by, or Column (Sum/Print) box in the Field selection tab. Click Show field options to style each field in your report.

The following table lists and describes the available Field options in the Display, Sorting, Ranking, Subhead, and Subfoot tabs that appear for each selected field type. The ability to create a title in the Title tab is available for all field types. If a Field option tab is not available for a selected field type, "n/a" appears in the table.

Field Type




Subhead & Subfoot

Sort across

Make this field invisible check box

Font button that opens styles dialog

Drill down button that opens Drill down dialog

Ascending/ Descending options

Total check box



Sort by

Make this field invisible check box

Font button that opens styles dialog

Conditional styling button that opens conditional styling dialog

Drill down button that opens Drill down dialog

Include missing instances check box

Ascending/ Descending options

Total check box

Create a page break check box (activates the 'And reset page number to 1' check box)

Separate with underline check box

Subtotal numeric sum/print fields check box (activates the Subtotal tab, and the 'And higher level sort fields' and 'Recalculate computed fields with subtotals' check boxes)

Add Ranking column check box (activates the 'Limit the number of ranked values to' check box, and the Font button that opens styles dialog)

Select Font type, size, and style.

Select text alignment.

Set text and background colors.

Column (Sum/ Print)

Make this field invisible check box

Font button that opens styles dialog

Conditional styling button that opens conditional styling dialog

Drill down button that opens Drill down dialog

Format in report as button opens change format dialog

'Calculated as' drop-down list adds prefix to column

Include missing instances check box




You can use this table to determine which of the following options are available for a selected field in the Field selection tab:


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Procedure: How to Change the Field's Display Title
  1. Select the field whose title you want to change.
  2. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  3. Click the Title tab.
  4. Enter the title you want to display in the report output.

    Note: When using HTML output, leading spaces in the field title do not display.

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Procedure: How to Suppress the Display of a Field

The Field selections tab enables you to conceal the data of a selected field in a report. To suppress the display of a field:

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Check the Make this field invisible check box.

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Procedure: How to Include References to Missing Instances in Reports: The ALL. Prefix

In a report, you can include parent segment instances that lack descendants by attaching the ALL. prefix to one or more column fields, as follows:

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Check the Include missing instances check box.


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Procedure: How to Arrange Fields in Ascending or Descending Order

To list sort field data in the report from greatest to smallest (descending) or from smallest to greatest (ascending):

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Select the Sorting tab.
  3. Select the Ascending or Descending option button.
  4. Click Save.

If you have multiple sort fields, you can specify a different order for each one.

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Procedure: How to Include Page Breaks

To start a new report page when the value of a selected sort field changes:

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Select the Sorting tab.
  3. Check the Create a page break check box.
  4. Click Save.

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Procedure: How to Include Subtotals

To display a subtotal for numeric data when a selected sort field changes:

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Select the Sorting tab.
  3. Check the Subtotal numeric sum/print fields check box.

    Subtotals are activated for this report and the Subtotal tab appears to the right of the Subfoot tab. Note that the default *TOTAL title is displayed next to each subtotal value. For more information, see How to Include Display Titles for Subtotals.

    Additionally, the following options are activated:

    • And subtotal all higher level sort fields. Displays subtotals for numeric values when the Sort by field value changes and when any higher-level Sort by field value changes.
    • Recalculate computed fields with subtotal values.
  4. Optionally, select the Subtotal tab to:
    • Modify the default subtotal title text in the Current Subtotal Text field.
    • Suppress subtotals for sort fields that have only a single value.
    • Apply subtotals to a subset of the numeric fields in a report.
    • Apply prefix operators, which enables you to display the sum, average, average square, count, first in group, last in group, minimum, or maximum value for any or all of the numeric fields, including Computes, in a report.

    For more information, see Displaying Subtotals and Other Summary Values Using Prefix Operators.

  5. Click Save.

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Procedure: How to Include Display Titles for Subtotals

When including subtotals, you can also specify display titles for them. These titles appear next to each subtotal in the report. The default subtotal display title is *TOTAL. To edit the default display title:

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Click the Sorting tab.
  3. Check the Subtotal numeric sum/print fields check box. The Subtotal tab appears to the right of the Subfoot tab.
  4. Click the Subtotal tab.
  5. Type the desired display title in the Current Subtotal Text field in the Subtotal tab.
  6. Click Save.

Note: If the Subtotal numeric sum/print fields check box is not selected, subtotals are not displayed in the report.

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Procedure: How to Include Subheads/Subfoots for Sort Fields

The Fields Options tab enables you to include subheads (which appear above) and subfoots (which appear below) for each of the sort field's records in the report.

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Click the Subhead or Subfoot tab.
  3. Click in the text box or press Alt+T to enter a subhead or subfoot title.
  4. Style the subhead/subfoot using the formatting toolbar.
  5. Click Save.

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Editing a Field Format

Use the report field options section on the Field selection tab to change the field format for the Column field. The following image shows the Field selection tab with a field selected and the Field Options pane open.

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Procedure: How to Change the Field Format for a Column Field
  1. If hidden, click Show report field options.
  2. Select a field in the Sum/Print display field list.
  3. Click the browse (...) button next to the Format in report as field to open the Change Format dialog box.

    Note: You can also edit the format by typing directly in the Format in report as field. This is not recommended unless you know the exact format because validation is not performed until run time.

  4. Select a Format type and the desired options for the field, then click OK.

For more information, see Changing a Field Format.

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Styling Fields

Use the styling options on the Field selection tab to style report fields.

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Procedure: How to Style Sort by, Sort Across, or Column Fields
  1. If hidden, click Show report field options.
  2. Select a field and click the Display tab in the report field options section.

    The following image shows the Display tab of the Field Options pane.

  3. Click the Font button.
  4. Select the desired styling options from the Font, Style, and Size boxes.
  5. In the Set Styles for box, select the Title & Data, Title Only, or the Data Only option button, depending on the report element you wish to style.

    Note: If you select a font property (font, style, size, text color, background color, or justification) and select the Title & Data option button, the changes will be reflected in both the Title Style and Data Style boxes.

    However, if you then select a different parameter for a given property using the Title Only option button, the Title Style will change while the Data Style will not reflect this change. To change the Data Style, you must click the Data Only option button and then make your change. Likewise, if you select the Data Only option button and make a change, this change will not be reflected in the Title Style. You must click the Title Only option button to make your change.

  6. Choose a text color from the list box.
  7. Choose a background color from the list box.
  8. Choose a justification (left, center, or right) from the list box.
  9. Click OK.

Note: Clicking Reset returns the styling options to the following default settings:

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Style: Normal
  • Size: 13
  • Text Color: Black
  • Background Color: Transparent
  • Justification: Left

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Drilling Down to New Procedures

When you click Drill Down in the report fields options section on the Field selection tab, the No action option button is the default. When you select Execute Procedure, a list of procedures contained within the Standard Reports folder displays. You can also select procedures from different domains. Analytical users creating Custom Reports also see a list of My Reports to select from.

The following image shows the drill down dialog box.

For more information, see Drill Down Dialog Box.

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End User Drill-down Capability

Along with Managed Reporting Administrators and Developers, end users can drill down to Standard Reports from within Reporting Objects and My Reports. End users can also drill down from My Reports to My Reports. However, the following limitations apply to the end user drill-down capability:

Note: The default functionality exists for all users.

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Styling Specified Field Values

Use the Conditional Styling dialog box to style records based on specified field values. Conditional styling, also referred to as stoplighting, enables you to define conditions that determine when to apply particular fonts, point size, text style, foreground and background color, and drill-down procedures to your report's data when the report is run.

You can style specified values for one or several column and sort fields. However, you cannot style values for sort across fields.

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Procedure: How to Style Records Based on Specified Field Values
  1. In the HTML Report or Graph Assistant, if hidden, click Graph Field Options.
  2. Click the Display tab in the report field options section.
  3. Click the Conditional styling button.

    The Conditional Styling dialog box opens.

  4. Click the Add button and create a new condition.

    The following image shows the edit condition dialog box that opens where you begin to set the conditional styling.

  5. Provide a meaningful and unique file name in the Condition input box.
  6. Select a field name from the Field list box and a relation from the Relations list box.
  7. To specify a value that completes the relation, first select one of the following in the Compare Type option button group:
    • Value, to compare the selected report field to a data source value or literal value.
    • Another Field, to compare the selected report field to the value of another field. The list of report fields appears in the possible values area. Select one of the report fields to compare to.
  8. If you select Value under Compare Type, perform one of the following to complete the relation:
    • Click Values to display existing data source values in the Value list box, and select a value.
    • Type a literal value in the Value input box.
  9. Click OK.

    You return to the Conditional Styling dialog box.

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Creating Parameters

Parameters enable you to specify criteria and conditions for drill-down reports. By defining parameters, you can control the amount and type of information to retrieve when you click a hotspot.

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Procedure: How to Create a Parameter in the Main and Drill Down Procedures
  1. Select the Selection criteria tab.
  2. Create an expression (WHERE statement) that defines a parameter. For more information, see Creating a Where or Where Total Statement.
  3. If hidden, click the Show report field options section.
  4. Select the field that you want to drill down on.
  5. Click Drill Down. The WebFOCUS Drill Down Dialog opens.
  6. Click Execute Procedure (FOCEXEC) or Execute URL.

    The following image shows the Execute Procedure option button selected and the location and procedure name of the drill-down report (app/css.fex) in the Execute procedure field.

  7. Click Add. The Drill Down Parameter Dialog box opens where you create the drill down parameter.

    The following image shows the Drill Down Parameter dialog box, which contains a text box where you enter the name of the parameter, and option buttons to select the parameter as a field or a constant value.

  8. Enter the name of the parameter you created in the drill down procedure in the Parameter Name text box, for example, Classes.

    Note: When passing parameters to a drill-down procedure, you must use local amper variables (&variables). Global amper variables (&&variables) cannot be used as drill-down parameters. Also, when entering your parameter name it is not necessary to type an ampersand (&) before the parameter name. This will create a global amper variable that cannot be used as a drill-down parameter.

  9. When you pass the parameter to the drill down procedure, you must set a value for it in the Drill Down Parameter dialog box. If you select:
    • Field. The parameter will be set to the corresponding value of the object the user drills down on in the specified field.
    • Constant value. The parameter is set to the specified value.

    Note: If the drill-down report contains a -DEFAULTS statement that sets a default value to the same amper variable passed from the main report, the amper variable value passed down overwrites the -DEFAULTS statement in the target procedure.

  10. Once a value has been supplied, click OK to return to the Drill Down Dialog box.

    The parameter is added to the With Parameters list box as shown in the following image.

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Aggregating and Sorting Fields

You can apply aggregation and sorting simultaneously to numeric columns in your report in one pass of the data using the Total sort option. The Total option is available for Sort by and Sort across fields. For the Total sort option to work correctly, you must have an aggregating display field, such as Sum, in the report. A non-aggregating display field, such as Print, simply retrieves the data without aggregating it.

Note: When you add a computed field to the Sort by field, it is automatically given the Total property.

The following image shows the PRICE field with the Total option selected in the Field options.

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Procedure: How to Rank Data With the Total Sort Option

To rank report data using the Total option on the Sorting tab, perform the following steps:

  1. Add multiple fields to the Sort by data field box, and highlight the Sort by field you want to rank.
  2. Add any other desired fields to the Sum/Print field box.
  3. If hidden, click Show field options for the selected field.
  4. Click the Sorting tab.
  5. Select the Total check box.

    Tip: Select the Descending option to make the largest number the first row of ranked data in the report. The default sorting option is Ascending, which ranks the smallest number first.

  6. Click the Ranking tab.
  7. Select the Adding Ranking column check box.

    Optionally, in the text box, type a custom title for the ranking column. The default title is RANK.

  8. Run the report.

Note: For the Total sort option to work correctly, you must have an aggregating (numeric) display field, such as Sum.

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Displaying Subtotals and Other Summary Values Using Prefix Operators

The Subtotal tab enables you to display subtotals, and other summary values using prefix operators, for any or all of the numeric fields, including computed fields, for a selected Sort by field in a report query. You can choose to display subtotals for all numeric fields whenever a selected Sort by field value changes, or you can select to display subtotal and other summary values for a subset of the numeric fields.

In the Subtotal tab, as shown in the following image, you can customize the title text used to display subtotals and other summary values, and suppress subtotals for sort fields that have only a single value, in addition to working with prefix operators.

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Procedure: How to Display Subtotals and Other Summary Values Using Prefix Operators

To access the Subtotal tab to apply subtotals, prefix operators, and modify other subtotal text and settings, perform the following steps:

  1. If hidden, click Show report field options for the selected field.
  2. Select the Sorting tab.
  3. Select the Subtotal numeric sum/print fields check box. The Subtotal tab appears to the right of the Subfoot tab.
  4. Select the Subtotal tab.
  5. Numeric field values are summed and displayed as subtotals in the report by default. To display summary values other than the default subtotals, select prefix operators using the drop-down lists in the Prefix area that are adjacent to each of the selections in the Columns area.

    Note that the Sum prefix produces the same subtotal results as not selecting a prefix operator.

    All of the available prefix operators are listed and described in the following table:



    Displayed in Prefix List

    SUM.Compute the sum of valuesSum
    ASQ.Compute the average sum of squaresAverage Square
    AVE.Compute the average valueAverage
    CNT.Count the itemsCount
    FST.Select the first value onlyShow first in group
    LST.Select the last value onlyShow last in group
    MAX.Select the maximum value onlyMaximum
    MIN.Select the minimum value onlyMinimum
  6. To display all numeric field values as subtotals or other summary values in the report, select the Apply totals to all columns check box in the Columns area.
  7. To display subtotals or other summary values for a subset of the numeric fields in the report, make sure the Apply totals to all columns check box is de-selected, then select check boxes for the individual numeric fields in the Columns area of the Subtotal tab.

    When Apply totals to all columns is selected, options for all individual fields in the Columns area are inactive by default.

  8. To modify the default subtotal title, which is set to *TOTAL, type the desired text you want to display as the title for all subtotals and any other selected summary values in the Current Subtotal Text field.
  9. To hide subtotals for sort fields that have only a single value, select the Suppress for single lines check box.
  10. Click Save to save your settings and selections in the report query in which you are working.