WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Analyzing Data in an OLAP Report > Displaying Graphs and Reports

Displaying Graphs and Reports

How to:


When you graph a measure in an OLAP report, you select the specific data elements to include and view the tabular report and a graphical representation of the identical information simultaneously in a split window. The graph appears in a frame in the top half of the window to facilitate comparison.

To be graphable, the data in the report must include at least one numeric measure and one sort field (By or Across). The Graph control is activated in the Selections pane or the Control Panel when these basic requirements are met.

As shown in the following image, it includes three sort fields (PRODCAT, Store Name, and Manufacturing Plant) and three numeric measures (Quantity, Our Cost, and Price), displayed as horizontal bar charts for quick comparison.

You can request a graph from an OLAP report, from the Selections pane, or from the Control Panel:

If you choose to graph more than one measure, you can employ different graph types to suit the data in each column, with the following restrictions:

For details about supported combinations, see Combining Graph Styles and Measure Styles in OLAP Graphs.

Note: If drill down capability has been enabled for the dimensions in a report, the same functionality is automatically enabled for graphs. You can, therefore, drill down from one graphical representation of your data to another.

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Reference: Combining Graph Styles and Measure Styles in OLAP Graphs

The following table lists the available style combinations in the second column for each graph style in the first column.

Controlling Graph Style

Potential Measure Styles

Vertical Bar (default)

Vertical Bar (default)

Vertical Line

Vertical Area

Vertical Line

Vertical Line (default)

Vertical Bar

Vertical Area

Vertical Area

Vertical Area (default)

Vertical Bar

Vertical Line

Horizontal Bar

Horizontal Bar (default)

Horizontal Line

Horizontal Area

Horizontal Line

Horizontal Line (default)

Horizontal Bar

Horizontal Area

Horizontal Area

Horizontal Area (default)

Horizontal Line

Horizontal Area



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Procedure: How to Graph a Measure From the Selections Pane
  1. Click the down arrow to the left of the Graph control to open a pane that contains all the numeric measures in the current report.

    There is a check pane to the left of each measure and a graph button to the right of each measure. All check panes are unchecked by default and all graph buttons are grayed (inactive) by default.

  2. Select a check pane associated with a measure.

    The graph button to the right of the measure becomes active. The default graph style is Vertical bar.

  3. Toggle through the seven graph style icons until you reach the one you want to apply to the selected measure.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any other measures you want to graph.

    For a list of graph types that can be defined, see Combining Graph Styles and Measure Styles in OLAP Graphs.

  5. Click the Run button on the band below the Selections pane.

    The graph opens in a separate frame above the report and Selections pane.

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Example: Graphing Multiple Measures From the Selections Pane

This example contains two measures, BALANCE and CANADA_DOLLARS, sorted by Continent. You would like to see graphical representations of both measures. To contrast the graphical information, you use a different graph type for each one.

  1. Run the Standard Report OLAPREP4.
  2. Right-click the Region field and select Delete from the menu to limit the report to the fields you want to graph—one dimension, Continent, and two measures, BALANCE and CANADA DOLLARS.
  3. In the Selections pane above the report, click the arrow to the left of the Graph control to list the measures.
    • Click the BALANCE measure check pane, then choose the vertical bar icon to the right of the measure. (This is the default graph type.)
    • Click the CANADA_DOLLAR measure check pane, then toggle through the graph icons until you see the vertical area graph.

    As shown in the following image, the Selections pane has the Graph control listing BALANCE represented as a vertical bar and CANADA_DOLLAR represented as a vertical area.

  4. Click the Run button on the band below the Selection pane to generate the graphs.

    The following image shows the results of the graph selections.

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Procedure: How to Create a Pie Chart From the Selections Pane

The following procedure is an example of creating a pie chart from the Selections pane.

  1. Run the Standard Report OLAPREP2.

    The report shows order information for stores that sell Century Corporation's electronic products. Audio Expert shows the highest numbers, with orders of digital products significantly exceeding analog.

    You want a clearer picture of how the digital orders breakdown by product so you decide to create a pie chart.

  2. Click Digital for Audio Expert in Q2 to hone in on the data you want to graph as shown in the following image.

    The report now shows the Quantity and Line Cost of Goods sold for several digital products sold at Audio Expert in Q2 as shown in the following image.

  3. Right-click Quantity and choose Show Panel to open the Selection pane.
  4. In the Selections pane, click the arrow to the left of the Graph control, then click the check pane for Quantity and toggle through the graph options until you reach the pie icon as shown in the following image.

  5. Click the Run button on the band below the Selections pane.

    As shown in the following image, the graph appears in a pane above the report. You can see at a glance that PDA Devices constituted about 1/3 of digital sales at the Audio Expert store in Q2.

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Procedure: How to Graph a Measure From the Control Panel
  1. Run the Standard Report OLAPREP4.
  2. Open the Control Panel.
  3. Select the Show Graph check pane located below the Measures Properties pane.

    Note that the contents of the Drill Down and Drill Across panes determine the X-axis fields. When there are multiple drill (X-axis) fields, multiple graphs appear vertically stacked in the same frame. The measures appear as Y-axis fields on the graphs you display.

  4. Click the Graph icon adjacent to the Show Graph check pane.

    The Measures and GraphStyle pane opens.

    Check panes associated with the available measures are unchecked by default.

  5. Click one of the seven icons at the bottom of the window to set a controlling graph style.
  6. Select the check pane(es) for the measure(s) you wish to graph.

    The graph icon corresponding to the controlling graph style appears next to each selected measure.

  7. Click the icon next to a measure to choose a different graph style from the supported combinations as shown in the following image.

  8. Click OK to return to the main Control Panel window with all the graph settings retained.
  9. Click Run to display the graph(s) and the tabular report in a split window.
