WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Graph With Graph Assistant > Properties Tab

Properties Tab


The Properties tab is used to set properties options for one or more components of a graph.

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Reference: Legend Properties Dialog Box

Click the Style Legend Text button on the Settings tab in the Properties tab to open the Legend properties dialog box as shown in the following image.


Select the font type.


Select the font style.


Select the text size.

Text Color

Select a text color from the drop-down list.

Text Rotation

Horizontal. Displays legend text in a horizontal orientation that reads left to right.

Vertical - Bottom to top. Displays legend text in a vertical orientation that reads from bottom to top.

Vertical - Top to bottom. Displays legend text in a vertical orientation that reads from top to bottom.

Text Justification

Indicate whether the text will be left, center, or right justified.


Checked. This is the default. Automatically adjusts the legend font size to fit the graph and disables the Size drop-down list.

Unchecked. To select a different legend font size, uncheck this box and select the font size in the Size drop-down list.


Checked to enable wrapping the text.

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Reference: X-Axis Label Properties Dialog Box

Click the Style Labels button on the X-axis tab of the Properties tab to open the X-axis properties dialog box as shown in the following image.


Select the font type.


Select the font style.


Select the text size.

Text Color

Select a text color from the drop-down list.

Text Rotation

Horizontal. Displays text in a horizontal orientation that reads left to right.

Vertical - Bottom to top. Displays text in a vertical orientation that reads from bottom to top.

Vertical - Top to bottom. Displays text in a vertical orientation that reads from top to bottom.

45-degree bottom to top. Displays text in a diagonal that reads from bottom to top.

Text Justification

Indicate whether the text will be left, center, or right justified.

Set Style For

Select to style Title or Data.


Checked. This is the default. Automatically adjusts the X-axis font size to fit the graph and disables the Size drop-down list.

Unchecked. To select a different X-axis font size, uncheck this box and select the font size in the Size drop-down list.


Check this box to wrap the text.

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Reference: Y-Axis Label Properties Dialog Box

Click the Style Labels button on the Y-axis tab of the Properties tab to open the Y-axis properties dialog box as shown in the following image.


Select the font type.


Select the font style.


Select the text size.

Text Color

Select a text color from the drop-down list.

Text Rotation

Horizontal. Displays text in a horizontal orientation that reads left to right.

Vertical - Bottom to top. Displays text in a vertical orientation that reads from bottom to top.

Vertical - Top to bottom. Displays text in a vertical orientation that reads from top to bottom.

45-degree bottom to top. Displays text in a diagonal that reads from bottom to top.

Text Justification

Indicate whether the text will be left, center, or right justified.

Set Style For

Select to style Title or Data.

If you have selected more than one Y-axis field, the Title option will not be available in the Label Properties dialog box. The Data option will be selected by default.


Checked. Automatically adjusts the Y-axis font size to fit the graph and disables the Size drop-down list.

Unchecked. This is the default. To select a different Y-axis font size, select the font size in the Size drop-down list.


Check this box to wrap the text.

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Reference: Graph Assistant Properties Tab (Options)

The following image shows the Options subtab of the Properties tab.

Graph Size

Select the WebFOCUS default size, let the applet application choose the size, or set a custom size for horizontal and vertical, both in pixels. For more information about graph size, see How to Set the Graph Height and Width.


Select Screen, File, or Printer from the list box. If you select:

Screen, the output appears in the browser. Choose: PNG, SVG, GIF, JPEG, PDF/SVG, PDF/GIF.

File, enter a file name and select a file type: PNG, SVG, GIF, or JPEG.

Printer, graph output is sent directly to your browser's default printer. Choose: PNG, SVG, GIF, JPEG.

Note: To include a graph in the Document Composer, the graph must be saved in .SVG format.

Background Color

Select a background color from the color picker for the current graph.

Frame Color

Select a frame color from the color picker for the current graph.

Stop retrieving records after the specified number have been included in the report.

Record limits are used to limit the amount of data that appears or is used in your graph.

Limit the number of read operations performed during report generation.

Read limits are used to limit the amount of records retrieved (or read) from the data source. The Read Limit option is not available with FOCUS data sources.

Summary Text for Graph

Provides a SUMMARY attribute for reports and graphs that maps to the HTML <TABLE SUMMARY> tag. A description of the graph is placed into a summary object inside the HTML table in the source code. This complies with section 508 accessibility.

The description of the graph can be no longer than 500 characters.

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Reference: Graph Assistant Properties Tab (Settings)

The following image shows the Settings subtab of the Properties tab.

Graph Settings

Show Data Values

Check this box to display data values in your graph. If this box is unchecked, data values will not be included.


Grids are parallel lines drawn across a graph at the vertical and horizontal class marks on the axes. Check this box if you wish grid lines displayed. This option is only available on connected point plots, histograms, bar charts, and scatter diagrams.

Graph on Server

Runs the graph on a server (rather than your local machine) and produces the graph as an HTML file with a GIF image. Graph on Server cannot be used when the Enable Zoom/Pan box is checked.

Note: This option is only available if the server was configured for server side graphics.

Enable Zoom/Pan

Enables you to zoom on a graph. This feature is available for all graphs except radar, polar, 3D, pie, spectral, and stock graphs. Enable Zoom/Pan cannot be used when the Graph on Server box is checked.

Legend Settings

Show Legend

Check this to display the legend in your graph.

Legend Style

Select the position of the legend's text. You may select to have the legend's text on the right or left side, above or below the legend marker, or inside the legend marker.

Reverse Legend Order

Enables the display of the graph legend in reverse order. This is generally most helpful when Reverse Order of Groups is selected.

Style Legend Text

Opens the Legend properties dialog box where you can select and style the font for the legend text.


Select how you want markers (shapes that represent data points) to appear on your graph.

Show Markers

Will show marker shapes at the data points on line graphs. You must have this option set to on in order for values to appear when you hover your cursor over an area or line graph.

Use on Legend

Will show marker shapes on the graph legend.

Show Lines

Is the default in the Markers group. When this check box is deselected, marker shapes show on a line graph, but connecting lines are not drawn.

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Reference: Graph Assistant Properties Tab (X-Axis)

The following image shows the X-axis subtab of the Properties tab.

Show axis labels

Top - X-axis labels appear above vertically oriented graphs and to the right of horizontally oriented graphs.

Bottom - X-axis labels appear below vertically oriented graphs and to the left of horizontally oriented graphs. (This is the default.)

Top and Bottom - X-axis labels appear both above and below vertically oriented graphs and to both the left and right of horizontally oriented graphs.

Stagger Labels - When this box is checked, X-axis labels will be staggered.

Hide first label - When this box is checked, the first X-axis label will not appear.

Hide last label - When this box is checked, the last X-axis label will not appear.

Value Format

Enables you to select a format for the display of X-axis values. You can only change the display format if your x-axis values are numeric and the graph style is bubble, histogram (bar), or scatter.

Style Labels

Opens the X-axis properties dialog box where you can select and style the fonts for the X-axis.

Reverse order of groups

When checked, enables the display of the groups (X-axis) data in reverse order. When unchecked, the graph will display groups in natural order.

Major grid lines

Divide a graph at regular intervals according to the scale. Major grid lines cross their axis line at the exact location of the scale label. Styles include:

Regular Grids - Normal grid lines that are the height of the frame.

Grids and Ticks - Normal grid lines that extend outside the frame.

Inner Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge inward.

Outer Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge outward.

Spanning Ticks - Small tick marks that span the frame edge.

Minor grid lines

Divide a graph at regular intervals according to the scale. Minor grid lines cross their axis line at equal intervals between major grids/ticks; they never align directly with a scale label. Styles include:

Regular Grids - Normal grid lines that are the height of the frame.

Grids and Ticks - Normal grid lines that extend outside the frame.

Inner Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge inward.

Outer Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge outward.

Spanning Ticks - Small tick marks that span the frame edge.

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Reference: Graph Assistant Properties Tab (Y-Axis)

The following image shows the Y-axis subtab of the Properties tab.

Axis Selection List Box

If you have more than one Y-axis, select which axis you would like to apply properties to here, either Y1 Axis or Y2 Axis.

Show axis labels

Left Side - Y-axis labels will appear on the low (bottom or left) side of the graph.

Right Side - Y-axis labels will appear on the high (top or right) side of the graph.

Both Sides - Y-axis labels will appear on both the low and high sides of the graph.

Hide Maximum Value - When checked, the largest Y-axis label will not appear.

Hide Minimum Value - When checked, the smallest Y-axis label will not appear.

Always include Zero on Scale - Includes zero on the Y-axis scale when checked. If you have manually set your scale range to exclude zero, this property will be ignored.

Log Scale - When checked, the Y-axis scale will use logarithmic scaling. When unchecked, the Y-axis scale will use linear scaling.

Value Format

Enables you to select a format for the display of Y-axis series values. Value Format cannot be used in combination with Slice Label.

Style Labels

Opens the Y-axis properties dialog box where you can select and style the fonts for the Y-axis.

Reverse order of series

When checked, enables the display of the series (Y-axis) data in reverse order. When unchecked, the graph will display its series in natural order.

Descending Axis

Inverts the direction of the Y-axis so values of zero or less appear at the top of the graph, while values greater than zero appear at the bottom of the graph.

Axis Line

Enables the display of the Y-axis base line.

Zero Line

Enables the display of the Y-axis Zero line when zero is within the Y-axis range.

Missing Values Display

Displays missing data values (in a bar graph, line graph, area graph, or any variation of these graph types) in one of the following formats:

  • Graph as zero.
  • Graph as gap.
  • Dotted line to zero.
  • Interpolated dotted line.
Major Grid Lines

Divide a graph at regular intervals according to the scale. Major grid lines cross their axis line at the exact location of the scale label. Styles include:

Regular Grids - Normal grid lines that are the height of the frame.

Grids and Ticks - Normal grid lines that extend outside the frame.

Inner Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge inward.

Outer Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge outward.

Spanning Ticks - Small tick marks that span the frame edge.

Minor Grid Lines

Divide a graph at regular intervals according to the scale. Minor grid lines cross their axis line at equal intervals between major grids/ticks; they never align directly with a scale label. Styles include:

Regular Grids - Normal grid lines that are the height of the frame.

Grids and Ticks - Normal grid lines that extend outside the frame.

Inner Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge inward.

Outer Ticks - Small tick marks from the frame edge outward.

Spanning Ticks - Small tick marks that span the frame edge.

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Reference: Graph Assistant Properties Tab (Pie)

The following image shows the Pie subtab of the Properties tab.

Show Axis Labels

When checked, enables the display of feelers and data text in a pie graph.

Feeler Lines and Labels - Shows both feelers and data text.

Labels Only - Shows only data text.

Labels on Slices - Shows data text on slices.

A feeler is a line or set of lines that stretch from a pie slice label to its pie slice. Feelers are visual aids that help you know that a particular number belongs to a particular pie slice.

Slice Label

When this option button is selected, the Y-axis label will appear at the end of the feeler.

Percent Value

When this option button is selected, the Y-axis value expressed as a percentage appears at the end of the feeler.

Slice Label and % Value

When this option button is selected, the Y-axis label, and its value expressed as a percentage, appear at the end of the feeler.

True Value of Slice

When this option button is selected, the Y-axis value appears at the end of the feeler.

Value Format

Enables you to select a format for the display of Y-axis series values. Value Format cannot be used in combination with Slice Label.