WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Customizing Dashboard > Customizing the Logoff Window
How to: |
When users log off from a view in Dashboard, they are redirected to the Welcome Page by default. The logoff window can be customized to direct users to another page within Dashboard or a Web page outside of Dashboard. For example, when a user clicks the Logoff link in the Dashboard banner, you can have your company's Web site open. This functionality can be set for specific views using the View Builder or set globally for all views by editing a variable setting in the bidconfig.xml file.
Administrators and Group Administrators have the ability to redirect users of a specific public or group view to a different URL upon logoff.
For example, to redirect a user to the Group View login page for the aa_gbv group view, select the context-redirect option and set the Redirect URL field to:
If the Redirect URL field is left blank, the user is redirected to the Welcome Page upon logoff by default.
Add "<!-- to" begin the comment and "-->" to end the comment, as shown below.
<response-redirect request-context="logoff-success"> <!-- <context-redirect url="&REDIRECT;" hrefs-per-row="5"> <href src="&MPV;" text="mpvHREFTextShort" context-asset="true" localize-text="true"/> <href src="&GBV;" text="gbvHREFTextShort" context-asset="true" localize-text="true"/> <href src="&LOGIN;" text="loginHREFTextShort" context-asset="true" localize-text="true"/> <href src="&INDEX;" text="indexHREFTextShort" context-asset="true" localize-text="true"/> </context-redirect> --> </response-redirect>
<x-redirect url="my_url"/>
Specifies the URL.
Your code should now look similar to this:
<response-redirect request-context="logoff-success"> <!-- <context-redirect url="&REDIRECT;" hrefs-per-row="5"> <href src="&MPV;" text="mpvHREFTextShort" context-asset="true" localize-text="true"/> <href src="&GBV;" text="gbvHREFTextShort" context-asset="true" localize-text="true"/> <href src="&LOGIN;" text="loginHREFTextShort" context- asset="true" localize-text="true"/> <href src="&INDEX;" text="indexHREFTextShort" context- asset="true" localize-text="true"/> </context-redirect> --> <x-redirect url="http://www.informationbuilders.com"/> </response-redirect>
Here the URL is set to http://www.informationbuilders.com so when a user selects the Logoff link in the banner, they are disconnected from Dashboard and the Information Builders Web site opens.