WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Graph With Graph Assistant > Adding Labels to a Graph

Adding Labels to a Graph

In this section:

How to:


Adding labels to your graph helps provide important information about what the data in your graph represents. You may choose to add headings and/or footings to your graph, as well as style legend text and horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) axis labels.

From the Headings tab of the Graph Assistant, you can add titles, headings, and footings and customize them. For details on customizing, see Customizing Fonts in a Graph.


The following image shows the Headings tab with a list of available fields on the left and the Page Heading and Page Footing fields on the right.

Note: If your graph labels or legends do not appear correctly when you run your graph, see How to Change Color Settings for details on correcting this.

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Reference: Location of Headings and Footings in Graph Output

The following image illustrates where FOCUS Titles and Graph Titles appear in graph output. Note that none of the headings in this sample have been formatted and appear in their default format. Also note that the Graph Titles chart title will appear in the graph output as well as in your browser's title bar.

Note: The graph preview reflects all display changes to the graph. FOCUS Titles are not shown in the graph preview.

When you use the Graph Assistant to create a graph and add it to a report in the Document Composer, if the graph contains FOCUS Titles (Page Heading, Page Footing), they are automatically removed from the graph. To utilize headings or footings in a graph you intend to add to the Document Composer, use the Graph Assistant to create Graph Titles (Chart Title, Chart Subtitle, Chart Footnote). You can also add Text objects to a graph in the Document Composer and position them to function as a heading or footing.

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Procedure: How to Add a Heading or Footing to Your Graph
  1. Click the Headings tab of the Graph Assistant.
  2. Click the Page subtab.
  3. Click in the text box or press Alt+H to enter a page heading title.


    Click in the text box or press Alt+F to enter a page footing title.


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Procedure: How to Add a Field to a Graph Heading or Footing
  1. Click the Headings tab of the Graph Assistant.
  2. Click the Page subtab.
  3. Select a field from the Available Fields window and drag the field to the Page heading or Page footing box.


    Click and hold the left mouse button, and drag the field to the text box you chose.

    The following table lists the shortcut keys you can use to quickly go to one of the text boxes. The first column specifies the text box you go to when using the shortcut keys and the second column shows the shortcut key combination.

    Text Box

    Shortcut Keys

    Page Heading


    Page Footing


    Press Alt+M to go to the Available Fields window, tab to the field and press Enter to add the chosen field.

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Procedure: How to Add Titles, Subtitles, and Footnotes to a Graph
  1. Click the Headings tab of the Graph Assistant.
  2. Click the Page subtab.
  3. Enter the text for the Chart Title, Chart Subtitle, and Chart Footnote in the respective boxes.

Note: There is a 95-character limit for Graph Titles.

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Adding Vertical (Y-axis) and Horizontal (X-axis) Labels to a Graph

Vertical (Y-axis) and horizontal (X-axis) graph labels are placed on the graph according to the display fields and sort fields specified in the request. The titles that appear on the graph are the titles that appear in the Master File for that particular field.

The vertical (Y-axis) title of the graph is determined by the display field. Note that when the number of Y-axis labels is greater than one, the labels do not appear along the Y-axis. Instead, the labels appear in a legend that provides the names of the fields being graphed.

The horizontal (X-axis) title of the graph is determined by the sort field.

You can change the titles for the X and Y-axis from the Graph tab in the Headings tab in the Graph Assistant.