WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Customizing Dashboard > Saving Selections and Exiting a Customization

Saving Selections and Exiting a Customization

After you have finished your Dashboard customizations and have previewed the Custom Colors, Logo & Links, and Message of the Day, you can save your selections by clicking Save in the View Builder.

Note: Be sure you have clicked the Preview button in the Custom Colors, Logo & Links, and Message windows before you click Save in the View Builder. The selections you have made in these windows will not be saved if you have not clicked the Preview button in the respective window.

To exit the customization, select the Public Views or Group Views link from the side menu. You return to either the Public Views or the Group Views page.

If you click Public Views or Group Views before saving changes that were made in the Preview, a prompt displays asking whether the changes should be saved. You can save the changes by clicking OK, or discard the changes by clicking Cancel. These are only changes that have been made since the last time the Save link was selected.