WebFOCUS Online Help > Managed Reporting End User > Creating a Graph With Graph Assistant > Graph Overview

Graph Overview

Graphs often convey meaning more clearly than data listed in tabular format. Using the Graph Assistant, you can easily transform almost any type of data into an effective graph that you can customize to suit your needs.

You can link your graph to other resources. You may also select from a multitude of graph styles, which include the standard graph formats bar, line, pie, and scatter as well as many variations on these types.

You can also represent data graphically using data visualization. For details, see Visualizing Trends in Reports.

The Graph Assistant is available from the following development areas of Developer Studio: Projects, Data Servers, and while performing development using Managed Reporting (MR) in the Standard Reports area. While using MR to create Reporting Objects for MR users, the HTML Graph Assistant is available. This enables MR users to use the graphs created by Administrators and open them to make changes through the HTML Graph Assistant, which is also available from the browser editions of WebFOCUS.

All of the windows of the HTML Graph Assistant when accessed by Developer Studio and in Managed Reporting are the same, except there is no Join Options tab. To create Joins in Developer Studio, you must open a Reporting Object and then select the Join tool from there.

Note that the Graph Assistant windows in Developer Studio are slightly different than the MR HTML Graph Assistant. These differences are shown throughout this topic.