Online Help > Managed Reporting Administrator > Change Management > Understanding Internal Managed Reporting References
Understanding Internal Managed Reporting References
Developers and end users see and use Descriptions to
navigate their way about Managed Reporting. Managed Reporting uses
internal references instead to locate and process requests for Managed
Reporting resources.
At any time, developers are free to change these Descriptions.
Users will see changes the next time they log on to Managed Reporting
(or refresh their view). A Description change does not affect how
the file is processed, since the internal reference remains the same.
The following are internal references for Managed Reporting objects:
Domain. Visible
on the Domain Properties dialog box (for example, untitled/untitled.htm).
Standard Report. Visible
on the Report Properties dialog box (for example, app/prospect.fex
or app/launchpa.htm).
Reporting Object. Visible
on the Reporting Object Properties dialog box (for example, mrv/salesdat.fex).
Folders and Sub-Folders. Visible
on the object's Property dialog box (for example, #westernregio).
Repository. This
is not visible from within the Java applet tools, but you can specify
to override the default value on the signon page. Developers using Developer
Studio can specify the repository within the WebFOCUS Environment Properties
dialog box. (For more information, see the Developing Reporting Applications
With Graphical Tools manual.) The variable MR_BASE_DIR specifies the
full operating system path to the root of the Managed Reporting
Repository (for example, d:\ibi\WebFOCUS76\basedir) and is defaulted
in the WebFOCUS script file, cgivars.wfs.
When you create a Domain, Report, or Folder with the tools, Managed
Reporting generates the internal reference for the object and stores
it. The Description you provided is used to create the reference.
Note: When you create a Description, spaces and special
characters are removed and the reference is truncated to a fixed
If you create another object with a similar Description, Managed
Reporting will randomly generate the reference to ensure that each
reference is unique within its namespace.
Products and features that use internal Managed Reporting references
- Published
Launch pages (inside or outside the repository).
- ReportCaster
(to retrieve the report at execution time).
- Drill down links.
- End user My
When moving files between Managed Reporting Repositories, such
as between your development and test environments, it is critical
that these references (and the Descriptions) remain the same. This
can be accomplished by:
- Creating
the domains in each of your environments in the same order. The internal
references will be created the same in each.
- Using the Properties
dialog box to check references.
- Paying attention
to alert windows when copying files.
- Testing your
application before moving it into the production environment.
- Using the CM
Extract and CM Load program to move Domain files between environments.